ASEAN Social Business Conference


ASBC2023 Highlights

Pre-Conference Workshop on the Beginner Guide to Delphi Method

1 November 2023 | 9:30am to 11:00am | B1-L01 

This Beginner Guide Delphi to Method workshop equips participants with the knowledge and practical skills needed to employ this structured consensus-building technique effectively in their decision-making and forecasting processes. The workshop will start with an overview of the Delphi Method, explaining its purpose, history, and key principles.  Participants will be informed about the specific objectives of the workshop, which could include learning how to use the Delphi Method for decision-making, forecasting, or problem-solving. Participants will leave the workshop with a clear understanding of how to design and conduct a Delphi study, as well as insights into how to apply the method in their respective domains.

Prof. Dr. Walton Wider

Professor Dr. Walton Wider began his academic professional journey in 2017 and has already achieved tremendous milestones in his field. He is a prolific researcher whose work has made significant contributions to the fields of education, psychology, and management. With over 100 papers published in academic journals, his research has been instrumental in promoting interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships between educators, psychologists, and managers, leading to innovative solutions for complex problems. As a result, he has earned widespread recognition in the academic community. In addition, Professor Dr. Walton Wider serves as an editor for INTI Journal and City University eJournal of Academic Research (CUeJAR), and as a reviewer for Horizon Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (JHSSR), Malaysian Journal of Psychology (JPM), Frontiers in Psychology (Positive Psychology), and MDPI (IJERPH). His editorial and reviewing work demonstrates his commitment to advancing the quality of research in his field and his willingness to support the work of his colleagues. Despite his relatively short career, he remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of education, psychology, and management in communities in Malaysia. He is highly motivated to continue advancing his research and is committed to training and mentoring the next generation of researchers.

Prof. Dr. Amran Rasli

Professor Dr. Amran Rasli is a Professor in the Faculty of Business and Communication at INTI International University. He was formerly a professor at the Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He has graduated 54 PhD students from UTM, 1 PhD student from Asia E University, 2 PhD students from University of Southern Australia; 40 Master students; and 22 undergraduate students. He is the principal investigator of 15 research projects worth RM1.2 million and has headed 29 consultancy projects valued at RM1.5 million. He was the postgraduate examiner for 100 PhD, 3 DBA and 6 MSc (by research) candidates from various local and international universities. He has written almost 200 articles (130 indexed by Scopus and 29 with ISI Journal Impact Factor); 5 textbooks; 7 book chapters and 4 novels. He has delivered keynote addresses at 40 international conferences as well as conducted 44 workshops and training programs. Professor Amran was a visiting professor at various institutions notably Indian Institute of Risk Management, Hyderabad, India; Hebei University, China; Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia and Kaunas Technological University, Lithuania. He was the Vice Chancellor of AbdulRahman Al-Sumait University, Zanzibar and Deputy Council Chairman of Muslim University of Morogoro, Tanzania and is currently a Visiting Professor at Metharath University, Universitas Negeri Padang and Universitas Brawijaya.


Oct 30th to Nov 2nd 2023

This year we endeavor to focus deeper on Social Enterprise: Beyond Hybridity topics to create and share the experience by providing sustainable livelihood for those who need. This conference seeks to give entrepreneurs, managers, researchers, academics, and students to come together to discuss concepts and themes in Social Business.  This will make it possible to collaborate and exchange ideas issues related to social business especially on issues related to the reduction in poverty, unemployment as well as net carbon emission. By doing this, we hope that the conference's results will help our community make strong resolutions on how they can move closer towards the attainment of the SDG goal.


In conjunction of the conference, we are organizing Social Business Week from 30th October – 3rd November 2023 with the support from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), MyFuture Jobs, MyHarapan, SWM Environment and Albukhary International University (AIU) whereby they will showcase their innovative products and retail items at MPH and Student Station.


Discussion with Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM)

18 July 2023

The discussion was held at the Senate Room, INTI International University with JKM Representative, Puan Rosnah and Encik Zulyadain.  INTI-IU propose to invite lecturers to provide hands on training based on their expertise to the B40 participants identified by the JKM.  Pro Vice Chancellor, Social Impact Mr Song Kuok Thong who is also the Advisor to the ASBC2023 hands over the donation to the JKM Representative Puan Rosnah at the mock cheque presentation ceremony. 

Online Meeting with Ms. Anja Juliah Abu Bakar (Athena/CSED)

20 July 2023

The meeting was held via Microsoft Teams and was joined by Prof. Dr. Lawrence Chung-Cheng Chen (Providence University, Taiwan).  Suggested activities discussed are, the Reusable Pet Project (among the females) in Taiwan and Malaysia and organizing sharing session for the single mothers in adapting social entrepreneurship activity. Also discussed was having write up on case analysis or case study for publication.  

Discussion with Asso. Prof. Dr. Lawrence Chung-Cheng CHEN (Providence University, Taiwan) with Ms. Syerina & Ms. Shaarane  (myHarapan Malaysia) 

20 July 2023

The discussion was held at The Coffee Beans, AEON Nilai.  Suggested activities discussed are, having joint collaboration between INTI-IU and Providence University, Taiwan students in a competition on Social Entrepreneurship for Rural Youth in identifying business solution in the community. Also discussed was having write up on case analysis or case study for publication.  

Waste Management Awareness & Exhibition in Collaboration with SWM Environment Negeri Sembilan

5 October 2023